In this hilarious collection of live-and-learn Adventures in Odyssey audio dramas, the youngsters face firsthand tests of being responsible. Well-meaning Robyn discovers she's not cut out to cat-sit, while corner-cutting Curt and his gullible friend Oscar learn not to lie their way out of gym class. Town bully Rodney, on the other hand, manages to avoid all responsibility for his actions (as usual). Still, these cautionary tales prove you can learn from your mistakes - if you're only willing. Episodes - #103: Front Page News
Curt and Oscar try to get out of gym class by joining the school newspaper - and the press may never be the same! It's a case of yellow journalism! - #125: All's Well With Boswell
Robyn Jacobs tries to "babysit" a cat named Boswell, but goes on all sorts of adventures when the cat escapes. - #306: A Victim of Circumstance
Rodney Rathbone falls through the roof of Whit's End one night and sues Jack Allen and Jason Whittaker for the damge they've caused him!
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